Bridge of Spies: The feel good Oscar film!

Adi’s TL;DR It has Tom Hanks. You can’t go wrong with that.

Sahil’s TL;DR Duck and cover spy movies!

Bridge of Spies is a wonderful film that we really enjoyed watching. We’d been waiting to say this unequivocally, with no riders, no ifs and buts for all of this Oscars challenge! There is no existential angst, no scientific illusions, no claims to change the world, just good cinema. The kind that entertains without CGI, with good acting, strong direction and effective storytelling. Bridge of Spies is not trying too hard to be different or edgy, it’s smart cinema which is so underrated at times.

Here’s some dope on Bridge of Spies. Directed by Steven Spielberg, Bridge of Spies happens to be his 31st directorial venture. That’s more films he’s done, than years we have :/ The screenplay of Bridge of Spies, comes from the writing mills of Joel and Ethan Coen along with Matt Charman. Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks have worked on classics like Saving Private Ryan and Catch Me If You Can, so his casting as James B. Donovan, the protagonist of Bridge of Spies was no surprise. The film was a box office success and has been widely appreciated for its acting and production. It has six Academy nominations to its name including Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay. Tom Hanks could’ve been in the lead actor nominees, but guess that one got a little crowded this time, leaving out some fine performances, including the ones from Will Smith (Concussion) and Michael Keaton (Spotlight).

Bridge of Spies is set in the Cold War in the 1960s and is based on a historical event. It’s a gripping drama that takes us through the story of Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), an elderly Russian spy, and James B. Donovan (Tom Hanks), an insurance lawyer appointed to defend him. Rudolf Abel is the antithesis of everything you think when you hear the word spy. He ain’t no James Bond. More like James’s uncle from that place far, far away! He is an old, frail looking, denture wearing, canvas lugging spy and yes people believe he’s a monster who deserves nothing less than ‘the chair’. Is he a spy? Yes. Just because he is old, doesn’t mean he ain’t smart, observant, loyal, brave. James Donovan played by Tom Hanks is a successful, upper middle class insurance lawyer who was part of the prosecution during the Nuremberg trials. He’s good at his job, which gets him into this politically charged situation in the first place. He’s entrusted with the task of negotiating the release of an American officer, in lieu of Abel, doing all of this, in his unique, non-combative, not heroic, matter of fact way.

Bridge of Spies methodically works to deglamorize the role of the spy in the cold war, to make it as real as possible.The act of spying is hardly shown in the film. With Abel you see a muffled attempt to pick up and hide a secret message, while Francis Gary Powers, the American is just one of the ‘drivers’ as their recruiter calls them. What you see is the trial of two ‘spies’, who are doing their jobs, devoid of action, glory and overt heroism that we typically associate with a cinema spy. This realism extends to Donovan’s character as well. Just because he has been appointed by the CIA to negotiate the exchange, he doesn’t suddenly become the ‘hero’, with annoying, over the top bravado. Donovan remains true to his character, a lawyer whose job is to make it work for ‘his guy’, who operates within a moral compass and is not jaded by the cold war rhetoric to lose his humanity. The film celebrates a humble, more heartfelt version of heroism, one that’s captured in Abel’s ‘standing man’.

Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance are the highlights of the film. They are a joy to watch as they form an unlikely relationship of trust and respect. Their repartee is just a treat for the audience. The movie has some very good dialogues, going from dramatic to emotional to even humorous in parts. In every one of their conversations, Donovan asks Abel, if he is worried or scared and Abel replies ‘Would it help?’ and the earnestness of that question never fails to evoke humor and depth all at once. It’s an endearing sequence, that you want an encore of. Abel earns your trust and sympathy almost from the word go, with his mannerisms and unassuming style. In his first interaction with Donovan, Abel tells him that ‘You have men doing the same thing for your country. You’d want them to be treated well.’ Of course, all Abel wants is paper, pencils and cigarettes, but this comment stays with Donovan.

We first meet James Donovan in the middle of a negotiation and his skill as a lawyer is established right away. Donovan is respectful but firm, open but observant. Tom Hanks uses his inimitable brand of humor to make Donovan likeable and it brings some welcome reprieve to an otherwise somber film. He diffuses a high strung scene with a couple of words, a look, without appearing cocky or like he knows it all. He gives us moments of lightheartedness, anticipation, sadness, fear, tragedy and ultimately relief. He is a ‘standing man’ as Abel puts it. He finds himself out of depth as he witnesses a world of anarchy with the partition of Berlin and the building of the Berlin wall. It’s a world where people are losing their lives for a chance at freedom. Abel at one point remarks, ‘What’s the next move, when you don’t know what the game is?’ and Donovan figures out the rules of the new game. He discovers that the whole setup was to ‘feel him out’ and that the two sides have been playing him to see when he buckles under pressure. His perseverance in the face of adversity is a character building exercise and one that Tom hanks conveys with an actor’s integrity, of course an actor of his caliber.  


It’s hard to miss the similarities between James Donovan and Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird (RIP, Harper Lee). They are both well respected lawyers, who want justice for all and stand up for things they believe in. They experience animosity and ostracization from the social order, they’d been a part of because of their professional decisions. And they both find themselves in the eye of the storm as they are targeted by a faceless mob, not for what they did, but for what the mob assumed their actions implied. Donovan is at the receiving end of the coldness, the hatred of those very people who respected him. At one point he says, talking about Gary Powers, ‘that he (powers) is perhaps the most hated man in America, after Abel and me’. From turning a cold shoulder to a mob led witch hunt, the situation escalates quickly for both Atticus Finch and James Donovan. Social perception is not a theme explored in detail in the film, but it’s one worthy of dialogue. In a scene at the end of the film, we’re shown the changing attitude of people commuting with Donovan as they read reports of his involvement in bringing back an American soldier, pointing to the fickle nature of public perception. As Abel says, ‘Sometimes people think wrong. People are people.’.

Bridge of Spies does a good job of bringing out the paranoia of the cold war as well as the insensitivity of the government. It shows the irrational fear that grips people, who unequivocally brand Abel as a monster and demand death penalty for him without a fair trial, as well as a child who calls the Russians ‘reds’ and wants to know why his father is defending a communist when he isn’t one! A feature presentation on safety measures in the event of a nuclear war, ‘Duck and Cover’, is seen by Donovan’s son as it was shown across schools in the US during the 1950s. You can argue that the story ofBert the turtle was propaganda or just disaster preparedness but the fear it instilled in young minds, making them see a nuclear attack not as a probability but rather an eventuality cannot be denied. You’re also shown the insensitivity of the American government which doesn’t care for the life of Frederic Pryor, an innocent student captured by East Germany or for that matter Gary Powers’s as Donovan points out. He’s important simply because of what he knows about the US missions and defense.

Here’s the ‘one stand out moment’ for each of us. Donovan says things in threes in the film, on at least three occasions! In his introductory scene he is arguing that it’s in fact ‘one accident’ and not five as the other lawyer wants to prove and says, ‘The guy insured by my client had one accident. One, One, One.’ He uses this when stressing to make a point. It’s these subtle quirks of characters that makes this film such a fun one to watch and just tickles your interest. Our second pick is when Abel calls Donovan ‘standing man’. Abel recounts the story of his father’s friend, who never did anything ‘remarkable’ all his life, except for the one time their house was overrun by partisan border guards. This man was beaten by the guards, but stood back up each time till the beating stopped. Abel called him ‘Stoikey Muzhik’, a standing man’. ‘Standing man’ becomes an underlying theme in the film, right till the final prisoners exchange, when Abel sees Donovan for the last time. Donovan tells Abel that he is waiting for another man to be freed. The agent in charge tersely remarks that it doesn’t matter what Donovan wants and that Abel is free to go. Instead Abel turns to look at Donovan and says ‘Stoikey MuzhikI can wait.’ That’s the nature of this relationship – they both remember their humanity and stay loyal to each other, which is more than what you can say about most.

Bridge of Spies never stops being interesting, funny, spirited, meaningful, but doesn’t fall in the trap of taking itself too seriously. This is true of the film as a whole and the protagonists Donovan and Abel. They never lose sight of the people they are, even in these extraordinary circumstances. All Abel wants is to go home and have a Vodka and all Donovan wants is to get back to his bed. There are little doses of subtle humor, in this serious drama. And this is perhaps what makes it a deserving nominee for Best Picture at the Oscars. Will it win? No, if the pundits, the predictors, the experts are to be believed. But was it a good film? Heck yes! Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Mark Rylance give you all the feels and evoke nostalgia of a good old film, something which we can all enjoy from time to time. So if you’re wondering which Oscar nominee to watch this weekend with your choice of intoxicating beverage, our recommendation is Bridge of Spies!

Until next time, keep the popcorn tub handy!
Adi & Sahil

The Portrait of a Lady: The Danish Girl

Adi’s TL;DR The curious case of Eddie Redmayne’s Oscar nominations!

Sahil’s TL;DR The path to womanhood is through silk scarves and hand gestures. I think not.

Remember Carol? We called it the ‘artsiest’ of all Oscar nominees this year. Well we hadn’t seen The Danish Girl till then, which could be a serious contender to that title! The Danish Girl is a beautifully made film about the story (somewhat) of a transgender and her struggles to become the person she always desired to be. Based in early 20th century, the film captures the life of a married couple where gender roles get complicated. So you may wonder, is it a film about transgender rights? No, not really, at least not according to us. This is a subdued, melodrama which happens to have a transgender character, but not one that forwards the narrative of transgender history and rights. Our first impression of The Danish Girl was that it’s a moving film, with top of the line performances from Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander, but with an entirely simplistic, unidimensional and in many ways a stereotypical reading of gendered identities and sexual orientation.

Here’s some dope on The Danish Girl. Directed by Tom Hooper (of The King’s Speech, Les Misérables fame) with a screenplay by Lucinda Coxon, the film is based on David Ebershoff’s novel by the same name. Guess this is the year when no one wanted to waste any time with naming – aka The Martian, Steve Jobs, Spotlight, Carol, Room?! The film was first released at the Venice Film Festival and TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) and saw a limited release in the US last November before expanding to more screens. The film saw steady box office performance, on a smaller scale budget as compared to it’s Oscar nominated peers. The Danish Girl has been well received through the awards season and has landed four Academy nominations for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Production Design and Best Costume Design. Though with Mad Max: Fury Road in the race, the last two are kinda taken!

The highlight of The Danish Girl is undoubtedly the performances from Eddie Redmayne who plays Einar Wegener and Lili Elbe, and Alicia Vikander who plays Gerda Wegener. Eddie Redmayne’s transformation to Lili is incredibly convincing. From her mannerisms to her style, Redmayne captures the nuances with immaculate poise and grace. Vikander on the other hand is intensely evocative as Gerda. For some strange reason, Vikander has been nominated as a supporting actress by most award organizations, which honestly doesn’t make any sense. The Danish Girl is as much Gerda’s story as Lili’s. In fact, at the end of the film you know Gerda way more than Lili. We’re shown Gerda’s tragedy as a wife whose marriage is falling apart, her dilemma as an artist who doesn’t know if her muse is real or a figment of their fantasy, a woman who desires a man’s presence in her life but is bound by loyalty and perhaps mostly as a person whose loved someone, who may have never existed. We see the confusion, the stress, the struggle, the desire to make it right and to not know what right is anymore, in Vikander’s Gerda. In her we see the courage to love, to be loyal and the idea, that you could love someone for whoever they are and not only for who you want them to be. She doesn’t stop loving Einar and Lili through the course of the transition. Maybe to show, that gender is just one aspect of a person’s identity, it doesn’t change who you are entirely.

This very idea of gender being just one aspect of your being, is challenged in Lili’s desire to be nothing like Einar. Metaphorically speaking, she wants to ‘kill Einar’ and feels that to be her only way of becoming Lili. From giving up on her talent as an artist to giving up on the person she supposedly loves, to not being able to think beyond herself, Lili’s transformation is in many ways over-simplified in the narrative. As viewers we wanted to see a lot more of Lili, and to understand what goes on in her mind. Unfortunately, we’re not taken inside Lili’s mind, we’re not a witness to her sexual dilemma, to her confusion as a person about her identity and that in our opinion is the biggest flaw with The Danish Girl. We miss seeing the process of Lili’s transition, her struggles of losing the only identity she’s known thus far and stepping into the unknown. The conflict between Einar and Lili is presented in Gerda, while Lili is shown to glide into her character. There’s over-simplification every step of the way – gender roles, sexual identities, societal expectations. By eliminating social acceptance and familial pressures as factors, we’re shown a cocooned journey from Einar to Lili, where the only thing to deal with is within the confines of their home, within the confines of their relationship. This is hardly ever the story in real life and perhaps in this the film does not give the trials and tribulations of the transgender movement it’s due.

This brings us to the portrayal of gender roles and how Lili’s transformation appears to be mostly superficial, with the film’s entire focus on behavior and mannerisms, v/s internal dilemma and change. We see Einar’s fascination with stockings, silks, frocks, gestures, movements, body language which are a gamut of socially accepted ideas of being a woman. A woman is defined by her outer appearance; the clothes she wears, the way she does her hair, the makeup, the gestures, the looks, the way she walks and talks, but not the way she thinks. Women are shown to be nothing but creatures of vanity, the purpose of whose existence is to look pretty for the sake of men. Lili only speaks of clothes, silk scarves, bright lip colors, falling in love with a man, having kids – all things that match social expectations from a woman. In one telling scene, Gerda asks Lili if she misses art, and she is quick to say that was part of Einar’s life and not her’s. Gerda doesn’t mince words when she says, ‘People have been known to be both’. You can be a woman and a human being with talents. It’s not a binary! This is just one of the many ways in which socially defined gender roles from that era overpower any progressive thought in The Danish Girl. Why should someone forsake their skills and talents to be who they want to be? Why does she have to choose between being a woman or being an artist? It’s not a question the film asks, but it’s something that surely bothered us.  

The Danish Girl 03

Here’s the ‘one stand out moment’ for each of us. The first one is towards the beginning of the film when Gerda is making the portrait of a man and tells him, ‘It’s hard for a man to be looked at by a woman. Women are used to it of course, but for a man to submit to a woman’s gaze. It’s unsettling although I believe there’s some pleasure to be had from it. Once you… yield!’ This is one scene where a woman’s shown to kick some serious ass! You have a man who can barely utter a word in front of this woman who doesn’t conform to any of the well known gender stereotypes and is enjoying the reversal of roles from being gazed on to being the gazer. The second one is when Einar goes to a brothel to observe a woman and tries to copy this woman’s gestures. As he starts touching himself she sees him and he immediately stops. The woman encourages him to carry on by posing like him until he’s comfortable acting out her gestures again. The scene is a powerful one where you see acceptance for Lili come from someone who also lives on the fringes of society as well as her confusion regarding her own gender. How is she supposed to behave and act when she’s really a woman inside a man’s body. It captures the dilemma of gender as assigned by society vs. gender as your biological anatomy.

Coxon apparently worked on the screenplay of The Danish Girl for ten years before she could take it to production houses and directors. It’s somewhat similar to Phyllis Nagy’s story with Carol, where again the project became one where the screenwriter was personally invested. But alas the similarity between the two ends there, while Carol is a well rounded plot, The Danish Girl does not do justice to it’s theme. It’s like a half baked cake, it had the ingredients, but not the best recipe. The film takes a lot of liberty in terms of the portrayal of the real Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener and glosses over the hardships these two tragic painters experienced in real life. The film ends on a poetic, almost cathartic note for Gerda who gets to experience the one place Einar thought fondly of and in the visual of the flying scarf you finally see Lili set free.

Oscar Wilde

Until next time, keep the popcorn tub handy!
Adi & Sahil

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